Saturday, March 9, 2013

And Still More Winter Snow!

This cartoon pokes fun at what us Canadians do when we have snow on the forecast. We rush out and stock up. The bigger the storm, the more beer you need? Then we stay indoors until it's over. Well that might be true for some people, most of us carry on like normal. We might leave earlier for work. We might drive the truck instead of the bike. But life still goes on despite the  snow. That is what happened this week. Monday and Tuesday were snow days where we got another good dump of snow. I envy the other Bloggers from the Netherlands that write about spring!

The south end of our city where I live got about 15 cm of snow. Too much to ride. I had to clear lots of snow as one of my neighbors are away on a winter holiday and I am taking care of their place. The city was slow with the snow clearing so only Friday was a fit day to ride. That doesn't make much to write about.

I follow lots of Blogs and one of them is Stuart's Yellowmobile . He wrote about snowmen he seen in one of his rides so I had to include this one photo. You have to watch out for this one!
       It's been a great winter this year for those that like winter sports. The sled dogs are in great shape, but they are so strong now I can't hold them back any more. On a walk if they see a rabbit I become like a cartoon person been dragged through the snow. I'm sure its funny to watch but not fun.   WHERE IS SPRING?

What out for this snowman!


  1. OK Kevin, you've found the best snowman... so far. But I'm not giving up yet! Rain today is starting to melt the last dump of snow around here. Hope it makes its way up to you.


    1. Stuart,
      A friend sent me the picture. As you can see there is not much snow in the background.Here is there is no shortage of snow.

  2. Hi Kevin,

    Thats the funniest snowman I have seen in my life so far! I feel sorry for you, as your winter seems to last so long. No spring in Norway yet, but the roads are clear for snow now. Tempratures are +3 at day time, and going to -3 at nights. But the weather is beautiful, we have more and more sun every day!

    Greetings, Adri.

    1. Hi Adri,
      Last year this time our snow was almost gone. That was a good year. This is a normal year. Of course I am really looking forward to spring as my Quest is still new. Enjoy your spring weather!

  3. Hi Kevin, best snowman ever! You're the first who envies the Dutch weather. Heavy clouds and rain pooring at a few degrees above zero for many days. They claim winter returns next week. at least the Dutch version of it. Temperature around zero and some wet snow, -5 at night. Just enough to make it slippery.

    1. Well, no matter where you live, someone has worse weather than you! At least that's what I tell myself. :)
